
  • What Does the Frightened Condition Mean in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

    The frightened condition means that a creature is scared and tries to flee from the source of its fear. The frightened creature has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of fear is within line of sight, and the creature must use its movement to move away from the source of its…

  • Make Combat Encounters Fun Again!

    Make Combat Encounters Fun Again!

    Ah, combat encounters in Dungeons & Dragons, the very heart of adventure and excitement! But let’s be honest, sometimes even the mightiest battles can become stale and lack that certain je ne sais quoi. Fear not, for there are many tricks up a Dungeon Master’s sleeve to make combat encounters truly shine. We’ll delve into…

  • D&D at SEA

    D&D at SEA

    Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Tis I, your humble narrator, here to regale ye with tales of the high seas in the world of fantasy. Ye see, in a world of dragons and magic, the ocean is not just a vast expanse of water, but a realm of adventure and danger. For those brave souls who…

  • Tips on How to Help your Dungeon Master

    Tips on How to Help your Dungeon Master

    As a player in a Dungeons and Dragons game, it’s important to remember that your Dungeon Master (DM) has a lot on their plate. From creating and managing the world, to keeping track of the rules, to making sure everyone is having a good time, being a DM is no easy task. That’s why it’s…