the Goblins Arms

Welcome Adventurer to The Goblins Arms!

“Overall, I would say that The Goblins Arms is definitely worth a visit – just be prepared for a bit of a seedy atmosphere and some potentially questionable meat in the pies. The cheap ale and delicious food make it a great option for those looking to save a bit of coin, just be sure to keep an eye on your belongings while you’re there.” – Volothamp Geddarm

Our D&D Blog for Adventurers

Magic Items

  • Wordmuncher Mimic

    Wordmuncher Mimic

    Item Name: Wordmuncher MimicType: Wondrous item, uncommonRequires attunement: No Description: This tiny, full stop-shaped mimic is known as the Wordmuncher Mimic. It has a unique diet, feeding solely on the words found on pages of books, scrolls, or any other written material. When it consumes the words, it can store the information within itself, which…

  • Rigged Keg

    Rigged Keg

    Item Name: Rigged Keg Type: Wondrous item, rare Requires attunement: No Description: This small, portable wooden keg is a crude creation. It looks like a normal beer keg, but has back straps and a crooked mouth from where liquid emanates. When filled with any alcoholic beverage and tapped, the Rigged Keg magically alters the flavour…

  • Abubakari’s False Teeth

    Abubakari’s False Teeth

    Item Name: Abubakari’s False TeethType: Wondrous item, uncommonRequires attunement: Yes Description: These finely crafted false teeth belonged to a famous traveler, they appear ordinary at first glance. However, once inserted into the user’s mouth, they magically enable the user to mimic accents and speak multiple languages with enhanced persuasiveness. Abilities: Masterful Mimicry: The wearer of…

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  • Crabcat


    Description: The Crabcat is a unique creature that combines the agility and feline grace with the ruggedness and armored shell of a crab. Its body resembles that of a large cat, with a sleek and muscular form. However, instead of fur, its entire body is covered in a hard, bright orange exoskeleton. The shell provides…

  • Evil Barbie

    Evil Barbie

    Description: Evil Barbie is a nightmarish abomination that appears as a seemingly innocent and ordinary Barbie doll. However, its once charming features have twisted into a malevolent visage. Its plastic smile is now a wicked grin, and its once bright eyes glow with a sinister light. Its plastic body is covered in dark, tattered clothing…

  • Bloodleech Swarm

    Bloodleech Swarm

    Name: Bloodleech Swarm Appearance: A revolting mass of 50 slime-covered leeches, each the size of a human arm. Their segmented bodies pulsate and swell with blood. They have fly like wings that buzz loudly as they fly. Foul ichor drips from their circular maws, lined with razor sharp teeth. Stats Size: Small Type: Monstrosity Alignment:…

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  • D20 Evergreen Druid Backstory Ideas

    D20 Evergreen Druid Backstory Ideas

    Ah, my dear friends, welcome to the realm of the druid! A creature of the wild, a protector of nature, and a force to be reckoned with in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. In this post, we shall delve into the world of the druid, from their origins and backstories to tips on how…

  • D20 Natural Ranger Backstory Ideas

    D20 Natural Ranger Backstory Ideas

    Greetings, dear reader! A well-crafted history can add depth and complexity to a character, making them feel more real and relatable to both the player and the rest of the party. And what better class to explore backstories with than the rugged and mysterious ranger? These outdoorsy warriors are often deeply connected to the natural…

  • D20 Holy Cleric Backstory Ideas

    D20 Holy Cleric Backstory Ideas

    Welcome, fellow Dungeon Masters and Dungeons and Dragons enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the world of cleric backstories. Clerics are an essential part of any D&D party, bringing divine magic and guidance to the group. But where do these holy characters come from? What motivates them to devote their lives to their deity? D20 Cleric…

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Player Tips

  • Tips on Creating a Better Character Backstory

    Tips on Creating a Better Character Backstory

    Creating a deep and meaningful backstory for your character in Dungeons and Dragons can be a rewarding and enriching experience. Not only does it give your character more depth and personality, but it can also provide inspiration for role-playing and help you make informed decisions for your character during the game. Here are some tips…

  • Quick Tips on Creating an Awesome First D&D Character

    Quick Tips on Creating an Awesome First D&D Character

    Creating your first character in Dungeons and Dragons can be a daunting task. With so many options to choose from, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But fear not! With a little guidance and a healthy dose of creativity, you’ll be well on your way to creating a character that you’ll love to play. Here are…

  • Tips on How to Help your Dungeon Master

    Tips on How to Help your Dungeon Master

    As a player in a Dungeons and Dragons game, it’s important to remember that your Dungeon Master (DM) has a lot on their plate. From creating and managing the world, to keeping track of the rules, to making sure everyone is having a good time, being a DM is no easy task. That’s why it’s…

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Dungeon Master Tips

  • What Does the Frightened Condition Mean in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

    The frightened condition means that a creature is scared and tries to flee from the source of its fear. The frightened creature has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of fear is within line of sight, and the creature must use its movement to move away from the source of its…

  • Make Combat Encounters Fun Again!

    Ah, combat encounters in Dungeons & Dragons, the very heart of adventure and excitement! But let’s be honest, sometimes even the mightiest battles can become stale and lack that certain je ne sais quoi. Fear not, for there are many tricks up a Dungeon Master’s sleeve to make combat encounters truly shine. We’ll delve into…

  • D&D at SEA

    Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Tis I, your humble narrator, here to regale ye with tales of the high seas in the world of fantasy. Ye see, in a world of dragons and magic, the ocean is not just a vast expanse of water, but a realm of adventure and danger. For those brave souls who…

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D&D News

  • Wizards cast Fireball in small room full of fanboys. OGL 1.1 – What does it all mean?

    Lads and lasses, gather round and heed me well, for I bring news of a new Open Gaming License by the Wizards of the Coast for our beloved game of Dungeons & Dragons. In times past, the OGL allowed we players to profit from our own creations, be they modified rules or new content. But…

  • Dungeons & Dragons & Children

    Playing Dungeons and Dragons can be a great experience for children, as it helps them develop important skills and fosters creativity and imagination. One of the main benefits of playing Dungeons and Dragons is that it helps children develop social skills. The game requires players to communicate with each other and work as a team,…

  • A Very Brief History of Dungeons & Dragons

    The game of Dungeons and Dragons has a rich and storied history that stretches back over 45 years. It has undergone numerous changes and evolutions over the years, but at its core, it has always been a game about collaborative storytelling and imagination. The origins of Dungeons and Dragons can be traced back to the…

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