
  • Wizards cast Fireball in small room full of fanboys. OGL 1.1 – What does it all mean?

    Wizards cast Fireball in small room full of fanboys. OGL 1.1 – What does it all mean?

    Lads and lasses, gather round and heed me well, for I bring news of a new Open Gaming License by the Wizards of the Coast for our beloved game of Dungeons & Dragons. In times past, the OGL allowed we players to profit from our own creations, be they modified rules or new content. But…

  • Dungeons & Dragons & Children

    Dungeons & Dragons & Children

    Playing Dungeons and Dragons can be a great experience for children, as it helps them develop important skills and fosters creativity and imagination. One of the main benefits of playing Dungeons and Dragons is that it helps children develop social skills. The game requires players to communicate with each other and work as a team,…

  • A Very Brief History of Dungeons & Dragons

    The game of Dungeons and Dragons has a rich and storied history that stretches back over 45 years. It has undergone numerous changes and evolutions over the years, but at its core, it has always been a game about collaborative storytelling and imagination. The origins of Dungeons and Dragons can be traced back to the…