
  • Mossy Titans

    Mossy Titans

    Name: Mossy Titans Description: Mossy Titans are massive creatures that resemble humanoid trees, covered in thick layers of moss and vines. They are ancient guardians of the forest, standing tall and motionless for centuries until disturbed. Nature: Mossy Titans are solitary creatures that prefer to live in deep forests and other natural environments. They are…

  • Kagayaku Village

    Location Name: Kagayaku Village Description: Kagayaku Village is a bustling coastal town located on the southwest region of Akatsuki Island, a large, crescent-shaped landmass floating high above the clouds in the world of Kumo Shima. The village is known for its thriving trade and shipping industry, where ships that sail in the skies transport various…

  • Ryuketsu Village

    Ryuketsu Village

    Description: Ryuketsu Village is a small, self-sufficient community located in the northern region of Akatsuki Island. The village is nestled in a valley surrounded by towering mountains and dense forests, with a river running through its center. Ryuketsu is known for its exceptional craftsmanship and production of high-quality weapons and armor. History: Ryuketsu Village has…

  • Tatsujin Village

    Tatsujin Village

    Tatsujin Village Description: Tatsujin Village is located on the southern end of Akatsuki Island, a large, crescent-shaped landmass that floats high above the clouds in the world of Kumo Shima. The village is surrounded by rolling hills, expansive grasslands, and dense forests that provide the perfect environment for the skilled horse breeders who call this…

  • Kaminari Village

    Kaminari Village

    Kaminari Village Description: Kaminari Village is a peaceful and secluded village located on the eastern side of Akatsuki Island. The village is situated near the top of a large mountain that juts out of the clouds, and is surrounded by dense forests and misty valleys. Location: Kaminari Village is a small settlement located on the…

  • Hikari Village

    Hikari Village

    Location Name: Hikari Village Description: Hikari Village is a peaceful settlement located on a floating island above the clouds. The village is surrounded by lush forests, with the occasional mountain peak rising above the canopy. The weather is mild, with a constant warm breeze and plenty of sunshine. The village itself is made up of…