Tips on How to Help your Dungeon Master

As a player in a Dungeons and Dragons game, it’s important to remember that your Dungeon Master (DM) has a lot on their plate. From creating and managing the world, to keeping track of the rules, to making sure everyone is having a good time, being a DM is no easy task. That’s why it’s important for players to pitch in and help their DM whenever possible.

Here are some tips for helping your DM:

  1. Show up on time and be prepared. Nothing slows down a game more than players who aren’t ready to go when it’s time to start. Make sure you have your character sheet, dice, and any other materials you might need, and try to be on time for the session.
  2. Pay attention and stay engaged. It can be easy to get distracted during a long game, but try to stay focused and engaged. Not only will this make the game more fun for you, but it will also make it easier for the DM to keep the story moving forward.
  3. Communicate with your DM. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t be afraid to speak up. Your DM is there to help you have a good time, and they’ll appreciate the feedback.
  4. Help keep track of the game. If your DM is struggling to keep track of everything, offer to help out by taking notes or keeping track of initiative. It’s a small gesture that can go a long way towards making the game run smoothly.
  5. Bring Snacks. DM’s do a lot of work, they will need a constant source of fuel! You may even be get an inspiration point if they are extra delicious.
  6. Have fun! Above all, the most important thing is to relax and enjoy yourself. Don’t take things too seriously and remember that everyone is there to have a good time.

Helping your DM in Dungeons and Dragons involves showing up on time and being prepared, paying attention and staying engaged, communicating with your DM, helping keep track of the game, and most importantly, having fun. By following these tips, you can make your DM’s job a little easier and ensure that everyone is having a good time at the table.

How do you Help your DM? OR as a DM what would you love your Player to do?

Let us Know in the Comments Below!






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