Wordmuncher Mimic

word mimic

Item Name: Wordmuncher Mimic
Type: Wondrous item, uncommon
Requires attunement: No

Description: This tiny, full stop-shaped mimic is known as the Wordmuncher Mimic. It has a unique diet, feeding solely on the words found on pages of books, scrolls, or any other written material. When it consumes the words, it can store the information within itself, which can be later retrieved by its owner.


Word Consumption: As an action, the user can place the Wordmuncher Mimic on a page containing written text. Over the course of 1 minute, the mimic consumes all the words on the page, leaving it blank. The words are stored within the mimic and can be retrieved later.

Word Regurgitation: As an action, the user can place the Wordmuncher Mimic on a blank page and gently tap it three times. The mimic releases the consumed words, which are then written on the page in their original format. The words cannot be rearranged or altered during this process.

Information Concealment: The Wordmuncher Mimic can be used to hide sensitive information, making it impossible for others to read the content without first retrieving the words from the mimic. This can be useful for keeping secrets, protecting spellbooks, or preserving important documents.

Restrictions: The Wordmuncher Mimic can only store the words from one page at a time. If the mimic consumes words from another page, the previously stored words are lost forever. The mimic does not work on magical scrolls, as attempting to consume the words from a scroll will cause the mimic to release the stored words, ruining the scroll in the process. The Wordmuncher Mimic is a living creature and requires occasional feeding. If it goes for a week without consuming any words, it will become weak and unable to use its abilities until it is fed again.






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