

Description: Jinxbugs are small, iridescent insects that are attracted to magic. They are roughly the size of a housefly, with tiny wings that buzz rapidly as they fly. Their bodies are covered in a thin, shimmering shell that reflects light in all directions.

Nature: Jinxbugs are mischievous creatures that delight in causing chaos and confusion. They are not inherently evil, but their love of pranks and mischief can make them a nuisance to adventurers and spellcasters alike. They are attracted to magic, and will swarm around spellcasters, causing their spells to go awry.

Stats: Jinxbugs are Tiny creatures with the following stats:


Jinxed: Any spellcaster within 5 feet of a Jinxbug has disadvantage on all spell attack rolls and must roll a d20 after casting a spell of 1st level or higher. On a roll of 1, the spell fails and has no effect.


Bite:Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1 piercing damage.


Jinxbugs are immune to all spells and magical effects.

Jinxbugs will always target the nearest spellcaster, and will continue to swarm around them until they are either driven off or the spellcaster leaves the area.

Jinxbugs can be killed with a successful attack, but they are difficult to hit due to their small size and rapid movements.

Jinxbugs do not actively seek out combat, but will defend themselves if attacked.

Jinxbugs are attracted to magic items as well as spellcasters, and will swarm around any magical item within 5 feet of them.

Jinxbugs are not intelligent, but they are highly sensitive to magical energy and can detect it from a distance.

Jinxbugs are not poisonous, but their bites can be painful and irritating.

Jinxbugs can be found in any area with a high concentration of magic, such as wizard towers or magical forests.






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