Item Name: Windstrider Sneakers
Type: Wondrous item, rare
Requires attunement: Yes
Description: These sleek, stylish sneakers bear a winged emblem. Crafted with magical enchantments, they grant the wearer enhanced speed, agility, and the ability to make great leaps.
Enhanced Speed: While wearing the Windstrider Sneakers, the user’s walking speed increases by 10 feet.
Agile Steps: The wearer of the Windstrider Sneakers gains advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks and can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than theirs without provoking opportunity attacks.
Leaping Strides: As a bonus action, the wearer of the Windstrider Sneakers can activate the sneakers’ magical properties to perform impressive leaps. For the next minute, the wearer’s long jump distance is doubled, and their high jump distance is tripled. They can also perform these jumps without a running start. Once this ability is used, it cannot be used again until the wearer completes a short or long rest.
Reduced Fall Damage: The Windstrider Sneakers have 3 charges. As a reaction when the wearer falls, they can expend one charge to half the damage taken from a fall.
Restrictions: The wearer must be attuned to the Windstrider Sneakers to gain their benefits. The sneakers provide no benefits in situations not related to movement or jumping. If the sneakers are removed or the attunement is broken, all active effects end immediately.

Luke Has been a DM for over 10 years and plays a wide rang of TTRPG systems. His main love though is Dungeons and Dragons and is currently mid way through a campaign that has lasted 3 years. He also plays Warhammer 40k, Blood Bowl, and Rumbleslam.
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