Rigged Keg

magic keg

Item Name: Rigged Keg

Type: Wondrous item, rare

Requires attunement: No

Description: This small, portable wooden keg is a crude creation. It looks like a normal beer keg, but has back straps and a crooked mouth from where liquid emanates. When filled with any alcoholic beverage and tapped, the Rigged Keg magically alters the flavour and effects of the beverage, providing a unique experience to those who partake.


Upon tapping the keg, the user can choose one of five effects that will be applied to the beverage:

Hallucinogenic Howler: This effect causes the beverage to have an explosive impact on the imbiber’s state of mind. They will experience vivid hallucinations and heightened senses. The user must succeed a DC 15 constitution save or become frightened for 1 hour.

Liquid Courage: This effect imbues the beverage with a magical boost of courage, temporarily removing all fear from the imbiber. They gain advantage on CON and STR ability checks and Saving Throws for 1 hour.

Foam Party: When the keg is opened, it releases a powerful elemental blast that deals 3d8 damage of a random elemental type (fire, cold, lightning, or acid) to all creatures within a 20-foot radius. Roll a 1d4 to discover its effect. This can only be used once per day as it drains the keg.

The Irish Smile: This effect causes one creature of your choice to fall into a drunken stupor, appearing to be unconscious or barely conscious. However, their mind is actually sharp and clear, allowing them to hear and remember everything that is said around them. They can also choose to end this effect at any time and will instantly sober up.

Happy Hour: Once per day, the owner of the rigged keg can use it to perform a unique “Happy Hour” ritual. During this time, all creatures within a 30-foot radius of the keg gain advantage on Charisma checks. However they have disadvantage on Wisdom and intelligence checks. This effect lasts for 1 hour, and can only be used once per day.

Restrictions: The Rigged Keg can only alter the flavour and effects of alcoholic beverages, and it cannot be used on non-alcoholic drinks.






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