Item Name: Hot Potato
Type: Wondrous item, common
Requires attunement: No
Description: This ordinary-looking potato is warm to the touch and has a faint, pleasant aroma. When activated, the Hot Potato becomes pleasantly warm, providing a comforting source of heat in cold environments or serving as a tasty treat.
Comforting Warmth: As an action, the user can activate the Hot Potato, causing it to become pleasantly warm.’The Hot Potato can be used to provide warmth and comfort in cold environments, granting advantage on saving throws against the effects of extreme cold.
Tasty Treat: The Hot Potato can be eaten when activated, providing a warm and satisfying meal. Consuming the Hot Potato restores 1 hit point and removes any lingering effects of exhaustion caused by hunger. If eaten it is gone. 🙁
Reusable Heat: The Hot Potato can be activated up to three times per day. It regains all expended uses daily at dawn.
Restrictions: The Hot Potato does not provide any offensive capabilities or significant healing. Its primary purpose is to provide warmth and sustenance in cold environments or situations where food is scarce.

Luke Has been a DM for over 10 years and plays a wide rang of TTRPG systems. His main love though is Dungeons and Dragons and is currently mid way through a campaign that has lasted 3 years. He also plays Warhammer 40k, Blood Bowl, and Rumbleslam.
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