Lawbringer Mace

Item Type: Mace

Magical Properties:

Lawbringer: When the wielder of this mace hits a creature that has committed a crime or is wanted by the authorities, the mace glows with a bright light and deals an additional 1d6 radiant damage. The wielder also gains advantage on any Intimidation or Persuasion checks made against that creature for the next hour.

Guardian’s Shield: The wielder of the mace gains proficiency in the Shield proficiency if they do not already have it. Additionally, when the wielder is wielding a shield, they gain a +2 bonus to AC.

Arresting Blow: As an action, the wielder can use the mace to attempt to subdue a target. The wielder makes a melee attack with advantage against the target. If the attack hits, the target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 15) or be stunned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. Once this ability is used, it cannot be used again until the wielder completes a short or long rest.

Town’s Protection: When the wielder of the mace is within 30 feet of a building or structure that is designated as a town or city, the mace emits a soft blue light that grants a +1 bonus to the AC of all creatures within 30 feet of the building or structure. This effect lasts for 1 hour.

Material Cost: Crafting the Town Guard’s Truncheon requires a badge or insignia from a respected town guard or member of the city watch.






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