Jester’s Cap

Item Type: Headwear


This brightly colored jester’s cap is made from soft and supple leather and is adorned with small bells and tassels that jingle as the wearer moves. The cap is designed to sit jauntily on the wearer’s head, and its wide brim helps to shield the wearer’s face from the sun. The cap is embroidered with intricate designs of stars, moons, and other celestial symbols, and the gemstone in the center of the cap’s brim is cut into the shape of a jester’s bell.

Magical Properties:

Jester’s Cunning: The wearer of this cap gains proficiency in the Sleight of Hand and Performance skills if they do not already have them. Additionally, the wearer can use a bonus action to distract a creature within 30 feet, granting themselves advantage on their next Sleight of Hand or Performance check against that creature.

Trickster’s Disguise: The wearer can use an action to change their appearance to that of any humanoid creature they have seen before. This effect lasts for 1 hour, until the wearer dismisses it as a bonus action, or until the wearer is hit by an attack or takes damage. Once this ability is used, it cannot be used again until the wearer completes a long rest.

Jester’s Mirth: The wearer gains advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. Additionally, when the wearer makes a successful Persuasion check, they can choose to make the target laugh uncontrollably for 1 minute. During this time, the target cannot take any actions or reactions and has disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks. Once this ability is used, it cannot be used again until the wearer completes a short or long rest.

Fool’s Luck: Once per long rest, when the wearer fails a Dexterity or Intelligence ability check, they can choose to reroll the check and take the second result.

Material Cost: Crafting the Jester’s Cap requires a rare gemstone that is cut into the shape of a jester’s bell.






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