Impressionist’s Picture Box

Item Name: Impressionist’s Picture Box
Type: Wondrous item, rare
Requires attunement: No

Description: This ornately carved wooden box is adorned with delicate patterns and features a small window on one side. Inside the box resides a talented imp artist bound by magic. When the button on the top of the box is pressed, the imp creates a detailed painting of whatever is visible through the window, capturing the scene with stunning accuracy. A built-in flashgun provides the perfect lighting for each masterpiece.


Instant Painting: As an action, the user can press the button on the top of the box to instruct the imp to create a painting. The painting is completed within 6 seconds (1 round) and captures the scene visible through the window at the moment the button is pressed. The painting is 6 inches by 4 inches and appears on a piece of high-quality canvas.

Flashbug gun: The built-in flashbug gun can be used to provide optimal lighting for the painting. As a bonus action, the user can activate the flashgun, which emits a bright flash of light in a 15-foot cone in front of the window. The flash does not affect creatures or have any other effects besides providing the ideal lighting for the painting.

Skilled Imp Artist: The imp inside the box is a masterful painter, capable of capturing even the most intricate details with ease. The imp does not require any materials, as it magically creates the paint and canvas needed for each painting.

Reusable Canvas: If the user is unsatisfied with a painting or wants to save space, they can place an existing painting created by the Impressionist’s Picture Box back into the box and press the button. The painting will be erased, and the canvas will become blank, ready for a new painting.

Restrictions: The imp inside the box cannot be communicated with or released from the box. The Impressionist’s Picture Box does not have any offensive or defensive capabilities, and the flashgun has no effect other than providing lighting for the painting. The Impressionist’s Picture Box can create one painting per minute, up to a maximum of 5 paintings per day.







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