Droplet of Millennia

water based dnd magic item

Item Name: Droplet of Millennia
Type: Wondrous item, very rare
Requires attunement: No

Description: This exquisite glass vial holds a small amount of iridescent liquid, representing the condensed essence of a thousand years. The vial was created by a group of time-attuned monks who managed to capture and preserve its incredible power. When the essence is released, it can cut through almost any material with an unparalleled temporal edge.


Millennia’s Edge: As an action, the user can pour a single drop of the Droplet of Millennia onto any object or creature. The drop slices through the target as if it were made of the most fragile material, bypassing any resistance or immunity to damage. The target suffers 8d10 force damage, and any non-magical object touched by the essence is cleanly and precisely cut, regardless of its thickness or material.

Temporal Wound: If the target is a creature, it must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 18). On a failure, it loses one of its limbs or appendages, chosen by the user, in addition to the damage taken. On a success, it takes half damage and avoids the loss of a limb.

Restrictions: The Droplet of Millennia can only be used once. After the essence has been poured out of the vial, its power is expended, and the vial becomes an ordinary, empty glass container. The essence does not affect artifacts or objects with divine protection.






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