Abubakari’s False Teeth

magic false teeth

Item Name: Abubakari’s False Teeth
Type: Wondrous item, uncommon
Requires attunement: Yes

Description: These finely crafted false teeth belonged to a famous traveler, they appear ordinary at first glance. However, once inserted into the user’s mouth, they magically enable the user to mimic accents and speak multiple languages with enhanced persuasiveness.


Masterful Mimicry: The wearer of these false teeth gains the ability to perfectly mimic any accent they have heard. The user must have heard the accent for at least 1 minute to be able to mimic it. This ability can be used to impersonate other individuals, but does not grant any bonuses to Deception checks beyond the accent.

Tongue of Many: While wearing these teeth, the user can speak and understand any language fluently. This effect is continuous as long as the teeth are worn.

Silver Tongue: While wearing these, the user gains advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks when trying to convince or negotiate with others.

Restrictions: The wearer must be attuned to the false teeth to gain their benefits. The teeth must be inserted into the user’s mouth for the abilities to function. Removing the teeth ends any active effects immediately.






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