D20 Goblin Loot Ideas

Greetings, dear reader! Are you ready to dive into the mischievous world of goblins? These pint-sized troublemakers are the bane of adventurers everywhere, sneaking and scheming their way through dungeons and causing all sorts of chaos. But let’s not judge them too harshly – after all, they’re just trying to make their way in a world filled with dragons and magic.

So come along, and let’s take a closer look at these adorable little terrors. Just be sure to keep your valuables close, because you never know when a goblin might try to snag them for their own nefarious purposes.

D20 Goblin Loot Ideas

  1. A small, rusty sword that’s seen better days.
  2. A collection of shiny trinkets and baubles, likely pilfered from unsuspecting adventurers.
  3. A maggoty, half-eaten loaf of bread.
  4. A tiny, intricately carved wooden figurine of a goblin deity.
  5. A dirty, torn map leading to a long-forgotten treasure hoard.
  6. A set of crudely made thieves’ tools.
  7. A pair of rusty daggers, one slightly larger than the other.
  8. A tattered, hand-drawn portrait of a goblin king.
  9. A set of bone dice, each etched with goblin symbols.
  10. A small, caged spider used for both companionship and food.
  11. A set of lockpicks, well-worn from frequent use.
  12. A set of shoddy, mismatched armor pieced together from various sources.
  13. A small pouch filled with an assortment of coins and gems.
  14. A tattered, leather-bound journal filled with goblin scribbles and notes.
  15. A set of poison-tipped darts, stored in a quiver made from a large rodent’s hide.
  16. A small, intricately carved wooden flute.
  17. A potion of healing?, the label smudged and faded…
  18. A small, battered shield adorned with goblin insignia.
  19. A set of thieves’ gloves, well-worn and stained with grime.
  20. A small, crudely drawn map leading to a hidden goblin lair.

Until next time, may your dice roll high and your treasure be plentiful.

What’s the Best Thing you Have Found on a Dead Goblin?

Lets us Know in the Comments!







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