Pen of Subtle Strikes

Item Name: Pen of Subtle Strikes
Type: Weapon (dagger), uncommon
Requires attunement: No

Description: This elegant pen is made of finely crafted metal and has a concealed blade hidden within its body. To the casual observer, it appears to be nothing more than a stylish writing instrument. However, when needed, the pen can be transformed into a lethal weapon.


Concealed Blade: As a bonus action, the user can twist the pen’s body to reveal a hidden dagger blade. When the blade is revealed, the pen functions as a dagger, dealing 1d4 piercing damage. The blade is made of a lightweight, durable material, allowing the pen to maintain its balance and usability as a writing tool.

Disguised Weapon: When the blade is concealed, the pen is indistinguishable from a normal pen. It requires a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to notice the hidden blade.

Finesse: The Pen of Subtle Strikes has the finesse property, allowing the user to use either their Strength or Dexterity modifier for attack and damage rolls.

Writing Tool: When the blade is concealed, the pen can be used as a normal writing instrument.

Restrictions: The Pen of Subtle Strikes functions as a dagger only when the blade is revealed. It does not gain any magical bonuses or properties beyond those described above.






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