Travel Doesn’t Have to be Boring.

Are We There Yet?

Travel in a game of Dungeons and Dragons can often be seen as a necessary evil; a means to an end to reach the next adventure. But with a little bit of creativity, the journey itself can be just as exciting as the destination.

One way to make travel more interesting is by incorporating random encounters. These can range from a band of goblins looking to steal from the party, to a friendly druid who offers to guide them through the treacherous terrain. Not only do these encounters add an element of danger and excitement to the journey, but they also provide opportunities for loot and leveling up.

Another option is to give players the choice of different routes to reach their destination. This not only adds a level of variety to the journey, but it can also lead to different encounters and challenges. For example, a mountain pass may be quicker but more treacherous, while a longer route through a forest may be safer but more time-consuming.

Incorporating travel-related challenges and puzzles can also make the journey more engaging. For example, a rickety old bridge that the party must cross, or a maze-like forest that they must navigate. These challenges not only test the players’ problem-solving skills, but they also add depth to the journey.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to let your players take the reins and come up with their own ideas for making the journey more interesting. They may have a unique perspective or an idea that you never would have thought of. This not only makes the journey more memorable, but it also empowers the players to take an active role in their own adventure.

Travel in a game of Dungeons and Dragons doesn’t have to be tedious. By incorporating random encounters, giving players the choice of different routes, adding travel-related challenges and puzzles, and letting players come up with their own ideas, the journey can be just as exciting as the destination. So, next time your party sets out on a journey, don’t be afraid to think outside the box and make it an adventure all its own.

Non Combat Travel Encounters

  1. A traveling circus: The party comes across a brightly colored circus tent set up in a clearing. The performers invite the party to stay and watch their show, which includes acrobats, tightrope walkers, and even a performing bear. After the show, the ringmaster offers to let the party join the circus for a time and travel with them to their next destination.
  2. A lost caravan: The party stumbles upon a group of merchants who have become lost and are in need of assistance. The merchants offer to pay the party for their help in finding their way back to their home city. Along the way, the party learns about the merchants’ wares and the challenges they face in their trade.
  3. A haunted inn: The party stops at an old inn for the night, only to find that it is rumored to be haunted. The innkeeper is eager to disprove the rumors and offers the party a free night’s stay if they can find out what is causing the strange occurrences. The party discovers that the ghost is simply a lonely spirit who just wants to be acknowledged.
  4. A stranded scholar: The party comes across a scholar who has become stranded while on a journey to research ancient ruins. The scholar offers to pay the party to escort him to the ruins and assist him in his research. Along the way, the party learns about the history and legends of the area and may even discover hidden secrets within the ruins.
  5. A farmers market: The party comes across a bustling farmers market, where vendors are selling fresh produce and homemade goods. The vendors are eager to share their stories and the party can learn about the local agriculture and try delicious food.
  6. A stranded ship: The party comes across a ship stranded on a sandbar, the crew is in need of help to refloat their boat. The party can help the crew repair the ship and in exchange, the crew shares their stories about the sea and may even offer the party passage to their next destination.

Travel Challenges & Puzzle Ideas

  1. A rickety bridge: The party comes across a rickety old bridge that spans a deep ravine. The bridge is in disrepair and the party must figure out how to safely cross without causing it to collapse. The puzzle could involve finding a way to repair the bridge or figuring out a way to bypass it.
  2. A maze-like forest: The party comes across a dense forest that is full of confusing paths and dead-ends. The party must navigate through the forest to reach their destination. The challenge could be figuring out how to mark their path or finding landmarks that will guide them through the maze.
  3. A treacherous mountain pass: The party must navigate a treacherous mountain pass that is covered in snow and ice. The puzzle is figuring out the safest route to take and timing their journey to avoid avalanches.
  4. A flooded underground cave: The party must find a way to navigate through a flooded underground cave system to reach their destination. The challenge could be finding a way to drain the water, or finding a way to travel through the water safely.
  5. A desert oasis: The party comes across a desert oasis, but the water is contaminated and undrinkable. The challenge could be finding a way to purify the water or finding an alternate water source.
  6. A river crossing: The party must cross a river with a strong current and no bridge, they must figure out how to do it safely, maybe by finding a way to build a raft, or by finding a shallow spot to cross.
  7. A riddle-guarded pass: The party comes across a pass that is guarded by a strange creature that will only allow them to pass if they can solve a riddle it poses. The challenge is figuring out the answer to the riddle and convincing the creature that they are worthy of passage.

How do you Make Your Travel More Interesting?

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