What Does the Frightened Condition Mean in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

The frightened condition means that a creature is scared and tries to flee from the source of its fear. The frightened creature has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of fear is within line of sight, and the creature must use its movement to move away from the source of its fear by the shortest and most direct route possible. If unable to move away, the frightened creature may take other defensive actions, such as dropping prone or cowering.

How to Escape the Frightend Condition in 5e

To escape the frightened condition, a player character can try one of the following methods:

  1. Remove the source of fear: If the source of fear can be defeated or removed, the frightened condition ends.
  2. Take a Bonus Action: A player character can use their action to attempt to calm themselves and end the frightened condition. This could involve making a Wisdom (Insight) or Charisma (Intimidation) check to show bravery, or using spells like “Bless” or “Aid”.
  3. Rely on Allies: Having allies nearby can provide comfort and a sense of security, allowing a player character to overcome their fear.
  4. Wait it out: The frightened condition usually ends after a certain period of time or when the source of fear is no longer present.

Ultimately, the method used to escape the frightened condition will depend on the specific circumstances and the decision of the player.

What Monsters Cause Fear in 5e

Several monsters have the ability to cause fear or intimidate creatures, including:

  1. Wraiths
  2. Specters
  3. Vampires
  4. Nightmares
  5. Ghouls
  6. Wights
  7. Shadows
  8. Mummies
  9. Liches
  10. Hags
  11. Some dragons, such as the Black Dragon or the Green Dragon
  12. Some demons and devils, such as the Succubus/Incubus and the Pit Fiend.

Note that the specific abilities and effects that cause fear can vary between monsters, and this list may not be exhaustive. It is always a good idea to consult the Monster Manual or the creature’s stat block for the most accurate information.

What Spells Cause Fear in 5e?

n the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons, there are several spells that can cause the frightened condition:

  1. Cause Fear: This 1st-level spell causes a creature to become frightened for 1 minute.
  2. Fear: This 3rd-level spell causes creatures within a 20-foot radius to become frightened for 1 minute.
  3. Phantasmal Force: This 2nd-level spell creates an illusory image that can cause creatures to become frightened.
  4. Bestow Curse: This 3rd-level spell allows the caster to place a curse on a creature, including causing them to become frightened.
  5. Enthrall: This 2nd-level spell allows the caster to captivate and potentially frighten creatures with their words.

Note that these spells can have different effects and durations depending on the specific spell and the target’s saving throw. It is always a good idea to consult the Player’s Handbook or the spell’s description for the most accurate information.

How to Use Fear Spells Offesnively in 5e

In the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons, spells that cause the frightened condition can be used offensively to control and manipulate enemies. Here are some tips for using fear spells effectively:

  1. Know your target: Consider the target’s saving throw bonuses and any resistances or immunities they may have before choosing which spell to cast.
  2. Timing is key: Cast fear spells when the target is most vulnerable, such as when they are isolated or already engaged in combat.
  3. Use terrain to your advantage: Cast fear spells in areas that restrict the target’s movement, such as narrow passages or pits, to limit their escape options.
  4. Focus on multiple targets: Cast fear spells on multiple targets to spread the effects and increase the chances of hitting at least one target.
  5. Coordinate with allies: Work with your allies to surround and attack frightened targets, taking advantage of their disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls.
  6. Consider concentration: Remember that some fear spells, such as “Fear”, require concentration. Plan accordingly to maintain control over the frightened targets.

It is important to note that using fear spells can also have consequences for the player, as it may affect their reputation or alignment. Use fear spells carefully and with consideration for the consequences.





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