DM Tips

Being a dungeon master, or “DM” in the parlance of our kind, is a task not for the faint of heart. Ye see, it’s not just about rollin’ the dice and spoutin’ out some fancy words. It’s about creatin’ a world, and then leadin’ a group of adventurers through it. It’s about being the puppet master, the storyteller, and the final arbiter of fate all at once. And let me tell ye, it’s a tough job. Ye gotta know the rules inside and out, but also be willing to bend them when the story calls for it. Ye gotta be able to improvise on the fly, but also have a plan for where the adventure is headed. Ye gotta be able to make the players feel like they’re really there, in the thick of it, but also be able to throw them a curveball when they least expect it.

Basically it’s hard. So here’s a few tips to make your life just a little easier!

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