D20 Natural Ranger Backstory Ideas

Greetings, dear reader! A well-crafted history can add depth and complexity to a character, making them feel more real and relatable to both the player and the rest of the party. And what better class to explore backstories with than the rugged and mysterious ranger? These outdoorsy warriors are often deeply connected to the natural world, and their pasts are often filled with adventure, danger, and perhaps a touch of magic.

D20 Ranger Backstory Ideas

  1. Raised by a tribe of nomadic wood elves, this ranger learned the ways of the forest at a young age, becoming a skilled hunter and tracker.
  2. This ranger’s parents were famous adventurers, and they instilled in their child a love of exploration and discovery from a young age.
  3. A former member of the city watch, this ranger left the crowded streets behind to roam the wilds and protect nature.
  4. This ranger was orphaned in a goblin attack and taken in by a group of foragers, learning the art of survival and living in tune with nature.
  5. A simple farmer’s son, this ranger discovered a natural affinity for animals and the land, leading them down the path of the ranger.
  6. A victim of a dark curse, this ranger joined the rangers as a way to rid themselves of the affliction and protect others from suffering the same fate.
  7. This ranger was once a member of a wealthy noble family, but ran away from home to escape the fate their parents would choose for them.
  8. This ranger’s village was destroyed by a dragon, and they have dedicated their life to hunting and slaying the beasts to prevent further destruction.
  9. A sailor turned landlubber, this ranger left the ocean behind to explore the mysteries of the inland forests.
  10. This ranger was chosen by a powerful druid to be their apprentice, learning the secrets of nature magic and the balance of the wild.
  11. A former soldier, this ranger found solace in the peacefulness of the wilderness after the horrors of war.
  12. A member of a secret society of rangers dedicated to protecting the world from threats both natural and supernatural.
  13. A member of a band of bandits, this ranger steals from the wealthy to feed the poor.
  14. A member of a reclusive, isolationist ranger clan, this character was sent out into the world to learn and defend their sacred way of life.
  15. This ranger is a member of a group of rebels fighting against an oppressive government that seeks to destroy the natural world.
  16. A former slave, this ranger used their time in the wilderness to gain their freedom and now uses their skills to protect others from suffering the same fate.
  17. This ranger is a member of a secret society of nature-based magic users, sworn to protect the natural balance of the world.
  18. A former member of a thieves’ guild, this ranger left the life of crime behind to use their skills for the greater good.
  19. This ranger is a former dog fighter who while transporting some dogs to market got lost in the wilderness. One ended up saving him and he dedicated the rest of his life to freeing other animals from captivity.
  20. A former member of a mercenary group, this ranger discovered a higher purpose and now uses their skills to defend the natural world.

Our Tips for Playing a Ranger

  1. Get to know your animal companion. As a ranger, you have a special bond with a creature of the wild, so take the time to understand their strengths and weaknesses, and how they can best assist you in combat.
  2. Don’t forget your archery skills. Rangers are known for their proficiency with ranged weapons, so be sure to make use of your bow and arrows whenever possible.
  3. Utilize your stealth and tracking abilities. Rangers are skilled at blending into their surroundings and following trails, so use these abilities to your advantage when sneaking up on enemies or tracking down a quarry.
  4. Don’t neglect your spellcasting abilities. Rangers have access to a range of magical spells that can be useful in various situations, so be sure to familiarize yourself with your options and use them wisely.
  5. Embrace your connection to nature. As a ranger, you have a deep connection to the natural world and the creatures that inhabit it. Use this connection to your advantage, whether it’s by recruiting animal allies or using the landscape to your advantage in combat.
  6. Choose your favored enemy wisely. As a ranger, you have the ability to select a specific type of creature as your favored enemy, giving you bonus damage against them. Think carefully about which type of enemy you will face most frequently, and choose accordingly.
  7. Don’t forget your survival skills. Rangers are skilled at surviving in the wilderness, so make use of your knowledge of first aid, tracking, and wilderness survival to keep yourself and your party alive in tough situations.
  8. Use your natural curiosity to your advantage. Rangers are often natural explorers, so don’t be afraid to poke around and see what you can discover. You never know what valuable information or hidden treasures you might find.
  9. Remember that rangers are skilled at both ranged and melee combat. Don’t be afraid to switch between your bow and your sword as the situation dictates.
  10. Keep an eye out for opportunities to use your ranger abilities to help your party. Whether it’s finding the safest path through dangerous territory or using your animal companion to scout ahead, your skills can be a valuable asset to the group.

What is your Ranger Backstory?
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