D20 Holy Cleric Backstory Ideas

Welcome, fellow Dungeon Masters and Dungeons and Dragons enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the world of cleric backstories. Clerics are an essential part of any D&D party, bringing divine magic and guidance to the group. But where do these holy characters come from? What motivates them to devote their lives to their deity?

D20 Cleric Backstory Rollable Table

  1. A young street urchin who was taken in by a group of traveling priests and trained in the ways of their deity.
  2. A former soldier who turned to the clergy after experiencing a miraculous healing on the battlefield by one of the faith.
  3. A scholar who became fascinated with the lore and mythology of their deity, eventually dedicating their life to spreading the teachings.
  4. A once-notorious thief who had a crisis of conscience and sought redemption through the clergy.
  5. A noble who gave up their privileged lifestyle to serve their deity in a more humble capacity much to the chagrin of their family.
  6. A former artisan who discovered they had a natural talent for divine magic and decided to use their abilities for a higher purpose.
  7. A farmer’s daughter who had a series of dreams that she believed were messages from her deity, leading her to become a cleric.
  8. A former politician who became disillusioned with the corruption in their government and turned to the clergy as a way to make a real difference in the world.
  9. A simple tavern owner who after a close brush with death, devoted their life to their deity and became a cleric.
  10. A former bard who became fascinated with the power of divine magic after an angel appeared to him backstage at a show.
  11. A nomad who discovered a lost temple of their deity while traveling and decided to dedicate their life to spreading the teachings.
  12. A former sailor who survived a shipwreck and credited their rescue to their deity, leading them to become a cleric.
  13. An adventurer who had a series of close calls and believes that their deity has been watching over them, leading them to dedicate their life to serving as a cleric.
  14. A former chef who discovered their deity’s teachings while experimenting with new spices and flavors in the kitchen.
  15. A former courtesan who found solace and purpose through the clergy after a life of indulgence and excess.
  16. A former soldier who became a cleric after experiencing a vision of their deity on the battlefield.
  17. A former noble who became disillusioned with their privileged lifestyle and decided to dedicate their life to serving their deity as a cleric.
  18. A former artisan who discovered they had a natural talent for divine magic and decided to use their abilities to create holy relics and artifacts.
  19. A former bard who became fascinated with the power of divine magic and decided to switch careers and use their talents to spread their deity’s teachings through song and story.
  20. A former pirate who had a change of heart and decided to dedicate their life to their deity, becoming a cleric and using their talents to spread the word on the high seas.

Our Tips for Playing a Cleric

  1. Remember that as a cleric, you are a servant of your deity. This means that your actions should align with the teachings and principles of your faith.
  2. Don’t be afraid to roleplay your cleric’s devotion to their deity. This can involve praying, performing rituals, and spreading the word of your faith to non-believers.
  3. Use your divine magic to not only heal and protect your party, but also to smite your enemies and turn them away from evil.
  4. Be a voice of reason and guidance for your party. As a cleric, you have a unique perspective on morality and can offer guidance and counsel to your fellow adventurers.
  5. Don’t be afraid to take a leadership role within the party, especially in matters of faith and morals.
  6. Use your knowledge of religion and mythology to your advantage. You may be able to identify certain creatures and their weaknesses, or know of ancient prophecies that could aid your party.
  7. Develop a strong connection with your deity. This could involve regular prayer and meditation, or even seeking visions and divine guidance.
  8. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty in combat. While your primary role may be as a healer, you are still a valuable member of the party and should be willing to fight when necessary.
  9. Use your role as a cleric to bring a sense of hope and inspiration to your party, especially in times of hardship.
  10. Above all, have fun with your cleric character! Whether you play a righteous paladin or a shadowy doomsayer, there are endless ways to explore the role of a cleric in D&D

What is your Cleric Backstory?
Comment Below!





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