D20 Evergreen Druid Backstory Ideas

Ah, my dear friends, welcome to the realm of the druid! A creature of the wild, a protector of nature, and a force to be reckoned with in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. In this post, we shall delve into the world of the druid, from their origins and backstories to tips on how to play the class to its fullest potential. So, grab your spell component pouch and let’s begin our journey into the wilds of the druid.

Druid Backstory Ideas

  1. Raised in a druidic circle deep in the heart of a ancient forest.
  2. Once a city-dweller, now a druid after a transformative spiritual experience with a wild animal.
  3. A protector of a specific endangered species, using druidic magic to defend them.
  4. A hermit druid who has lived alone in the wilderness for many years.
  5. A member of a druidic order dedicated to preserving a specific ancient ruin or monument.
  6. A child who was abandoned in the forest and was raised by wild animals.
  7. A druid who is also a accomplished chef, using foraged ingredients in their dishes.
  8. A druid who is also a beekeeper, using their magic to protect the hive and also control the bees.
  9. A druid who is also a farmer, using their magic to improve crop yields.
  10. A lumberjack, whos suddelnly heard the voice of the trees and is now their protector.
  11. A druid who is also a brewer, using their magic to create unique and delicious ales.
  12. A druid who is also a herbalist, using their magic to create powerful potions and remedies.
  13. A druid who is also a ranger, using their magic to protect wildlands from monsters and invaders.
  14. A druid who is also a bard, and sings folk music to and about nature.
  15. A druid who ate one too many magic mushrooms.
  16. A city druid, who realised he could control the moss and weeds that grew in his urban enviroment.
  17. A reluctant druid, for some reason birds, bees, plants and animals just wont stop following them around!
  18. Raised in a commune you have always felt more at home in nature than the city.
  19. Evil druid? You hate nature, so therfore strive to CONTROL it and use it to your own ends.
  20. You are nature manifest. A being created in the shape of a humanoid to help and defend the forrest.

Tips for playing a Druid

I’ve picked up a thing or two about playing the class to its fullest potential. So, grab your trusty staff and let’s get started on these tips for playing the druid.

Remember that druids are deeply connected to nature, and their magic is often tied to the natural world. Use this connection to your advantage in-game, such as using your druidic magic to speak with animals or sense the presence of nearby plants and creatures.

Make use of your shapeshifting abilities, such as turning into a wolf to track down your enemies or a bird to scout ahead. These abilities can be incredibly useful for reconnaissance and infiltration.

Take advantage of your spellcasting abilities, such as spells that heal or protect yourself and allies. These spells can be a lifesaver in the heat of battle.

Use your knowledge of the natural world to gain an advantage, such as being able to identify dangerous plants or animals, or to find food and shelter in the wild.

Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, druids are known to be very versatile and can do a lot of different things like farming, beekeeping, brewing and many more.

When it comes to combat, use your druidic magic to control the battlefield and protect yourself and your allies. Use spells such as Entangle or Barkskin to slow down and weaken your enemies, or spells like Cure Wounds to heal your allies.

When choosing an animal companion, pick one that complements your own strengths and weaknesses. A bear might be a great choice for a druid that likes to wade into battle, while a fox might be better for a druid that prefers to stay back and support from afar.

Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box when it comes to using druidic magic. There’s more to druid magic than just shapeshifting and spellcasting.

Get to know the other members of your party, and work together to make the most of everyone’s strengths. Druids can be great support characters, but they can also be deadly in combat when played correctly.

And above all, remember to have fun! Being a druid is all about embracing the wild and enjoying the journey. So, let your hair down, and don’t be afraid to get a little wild!





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