Luke Coleman

  • Twin Mirrors of Glimpsing

    Twin Mirrors of Glimpsing

    Item Name: Twin Mirrors of GlimpsingType: Wondrous item, rareRequires attunement: Yes Description: These two identical, ornately framed mirrors share a magical connection. When activated, the mirrors allow the user to see through one mirror and into the other, regardless of distance, as if looking through a window. Abilities: Mirror Gaze: As an action, the user…

  • Magic Hot Potato

    Magic Hot Potato

    Item Name: Hot PotatoType: Wondrous item, commonRequires attunement: No Description: This ordinary-looking potato is warm to the touch and has a faint, pleasant aroma. When activated, the Hot Potato becomes pleasantly warm, providing a comforting source of heat in cold environments or serving as a tasty treat. Abilities: Comforting Warmth: As an action, the user…

  • Knob of Opening

    Knob of Opening

    Item Name: Knob of OpeningType: Wondrous item, uncommonRequires attunement: No Description: This small, ornate brass door knob is imbued with magical energy. When attached to a door, chest, or any other object with a latch, it can open the lock without the need for a key or lock picking tools. Abilities: Universal Fit: The Knob…

  • Windstrider Sneakers

    Windstrider Sneakers

    Item Name: Windstrider SneakersType: Wondrous item, rareRequires attunement: Yes Description: These sleek, stylish sneakers bear a winged emblem. Crafted with magical enchantments, they grant the wearer enhanced speed, agility, and the ability to make great leaps. Abilities: Enhanced Speed: While wearing the Windstrider Sneakers, the user’s walking speed increases by 10 feet. Agile Steps: The…

  • Spitball of Unity

    Spitball of Unity

    Item Name: Spitball of UnityType: Wondrous item, uncommonRequires attunement: No Description: This small, unassuming ball appears to be made of a strange, spongy material that seems to absorb moisture without becoming soggy. When a group of individuals each spit on the ball and swear an oath of cooperation, they temporarily gain a magical bonus on…

  • Droplet of Millennia

    Droplet of Millennia

    Item Name: Droplet of MillenniaType: Wondrous item, very rareRequires attunement: No Description: This exquisite glass vial holds a small amount of iridescent liquid, representing the condensed essence of a thousand years. The vial was created by a group of time-attuned monks who managed to capture and preserve its incredible power. When the essence is released,…

  • St Lucas’ Elixir of Aid

    St Lucas’ Elixir of Aid

    Item Name: St Lucas’ Elixir of AidType: Potion, uncommonRequires attunement: No Description: This vibrant, glowing potion is contained in a sleek bottle with a lightning bolt emblem on its label. St Lucas’ Elixir of Aid is a magical beverage. When consumed, it rapidly replenishes energy and invigorates the drinker with a burst of vitality, enabling…

  • Jester’s Cap

    Jester’s Cap

    Item Type: Headwear Description: This brightly colored jester’s cap is made from soft and supple leather and is adorned with small bells and tassels that jingle as the wearer moves. The cap is designed to sit jauntily on the wearer’s head, and its wide brim helps to shield the wearer’s face from the sun. The…

  • Armour of the Iron Oak

    Armour of the Iron Oak

    Armor Type: Medium or Heavy Armor Class: Base armor class is 14 + Dexterity modifier (maximum 2). If the wearer is proficient in medium or heavy armor, they may add their proficiency bonus to the armor class as well. Strength Requirement: The armor requires a Strength score of at least 13 to wear. Stealth: The…

  • Armor of the Eagle King

    Armor of the Eagle King

    Armor Type: Light Armor Class: Base armor class is 12 + Dexterity modifier (maximum 2). If the wearer is proficient in light armor, they may add their proficiency bonus to the armor class as well. Stealth: The armor imposes no penalty on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. Magical Properties: The armor is imbued with magic that enhances…