Luke Coleman

  • Crabcat


    Description: The Crabcat is a unique creature that combines the agility and feline grace with the ruggedness and armored shell of a crab. Its body resembles that of a large cat, with a sleek and muscular form. However, instead of fur, its entire body is covered in a hard, bright orange exoskeleton. The shell provides…

  • Maelstrom’s Bite

    Maelstrom’s Bite

    Item Type: Weapon (Mace), rare Description: Maelstrom’s Bite is a fearsome mace that incorporates a unique and deadly feature—a spinning toothed circular blade at the end. The mace itself is crafted from solid steel and adorned with intricate engravings depicting swirling winds and vicious teeth. The blade is meticulously designed, sharp and finely balanced, it…

  • Evil Barbie

    Evil Barbie

    Description: Evil Barbie is a nightmarish abomination that appears as a seemingly innocent and ordinary Barbie doll. However, its once charming features have twisted into a malevolent visage. Its plastic smile is now a wicked grin, and its once bright eyes glow with a sinister light. Its plastic body is covered in dark, tattered clothing…

  • Obsidian Sword

    Obsidian Sword

    The blade of this shortsword is expertly crafted from volcanic obsidian. Dark obsidian shards swirl within the smoky, translucent material. The sword’s edge is incredibly sharp and retains a razor edge after being sharpened. Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement) You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Volcanic…

  • Bloodleech Swarm

    Bloodleech Swarm

    Name: Bloodleech Swarm Appearance: A revolting mass of 50 slime-covered leeches, each the size of a human arm. Their segmented bodies pulsate and swell with blood. They have fly like wings that buzz loudly as they fly. Foul ichor drips from their circular maws, lined with razor sharp teeth. Stats Size: Small Type: Monstrosity Alignment:…

  • The Gulkin

    The Gulkin

    As Playable Race or Monster The Gullkin race traces its origins to a remote coastal region where seagulls and goblins coexisted. Long ago, a powerful enchantment was cast upon this region, blending the essence of seagulls and goblins. The result was the creation of the Gullkin, a peculiar hybrid race embodying the traits of both…

  • Wordmuncher Mimic

    Wordmuncher Mimic

    Item Name: Wordmuncher MimicType: Wondrous item, uncommonRequires attunement: No Description: This tiny, full stop-shaped mimic is known as the Wordmuncher Mimic. It has a unique diet, feeding solely on the words found on pages of books, scrolls, or any other written material. When it consumes the words, it can store the information within itself, which…

  • Gloves of the Octopus

    Item Name: Gloves of the OctopusType: Wondrous item, rareRequires attunement: Yes Description: These unusual gloves are made from octopus skin, on the palm they are covered with tiny suckers, with a texture that shifts and changes to mimic the gloves’ surroundings. When worn, the gloves grant the user enhanced dexterity, the ability to cling to…

  • Rigged Keg

    Rigged Keg

    Item Name: Rigged Keg Type: Wondrous item, rare Requires attunement: No Description: This small, portable wooden keg is a crude creation. It looks like a normal beer keg, but has back straps and a crooked mouth from where liquid emanates. When filled with any alcoholic beverage and tapped, the Rigged Keg magically alters the flavour…

  • Abubakari’s False Teeth

    Abubakari’s False Teeth

    Item Name: Abubakari’s False TeethType: Wondrous item, uncommonRequires attunement: Yes Description: These finely crafted false teeth belonged to a famous traveler, they appear ordinary at first glance. However, once inserted into the user’s mouth, they magically enable the user to mimic accents and speak multiple languages with enhanced persuasiveness. Abilities: Masterful Mimicry: The wearer of…